Sunday, September 08, 2013

Prayer Partners

Please consider praying with us and be a vital part of the team serving in Uganda September 11 to September 20. Thank you so much for committing to petition our Lord on our behalf. Here are some specifics that may help to guide your prayers:

September 11

Please pray that there will be no anxiety about it being 9-11. Please pray for safety for the entire way. Please pray that the long flights will be a time that we can spend Glorifying God through prayer, attitude and witness. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times!

September 12

Please pray that as we arrive in Kampala, that all connections with transportation and lodging would go as planned. Also that sleep would refresh and prepare us for the day ahead after lots of flight and airport time. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times!

September 13

Please pray that we would be willing and capable of any task requested of us at the new baby's home site. Pray for protection from mosquitoes and contaminated water as we work and sleep. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times!

September 14

Please pray that we would be able to encourage each other in all we are called to do. Also that anyone we encounter would hear the Gospel and experience the love of Christ through us. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times!

September 15

Please pray that our time at the Home would be productive as possible with vision of how we might help them to move things along with the resources available. Also that we would have opportunity and time to encourage Ken in his calling and continue to develop a deep relationship with him. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times!

September 16

Please pray for excitement, energy and strength to carry out our assigned tasks for the day. Pray that we would be willing to go beyond our comfort zones in witness to all that we encounter with great anticipation of the fruit that God will bring forth for years after we are gone. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times!

September 17

As we begin to look toward the end of our time in Uganda, please pray that God would prepare us to return as changed people to our homes and families. Pray that what we have experienced would not overwhelm and discourage us but rather that we would have a greater zeal and compassion for every person we encounter to hear the Gospel and to know the love of Christ. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times!

September 18

Please pray that we would "finish well" the calling that He has set before us. Please pray that we would see the beauty of Uganda just a God sees it, and that it would be imprinted on our hearts and minds forever. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times.

September 19

Please pray for a smooth and safe exit form Uganda as well as safe flights. Pray for God to sustain us as we likely will be tired and face a very long trip home. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times!

September 20

As we arrive home, pray that we would have thankful hearts for all that He supplied and allowed us to experience. Pray for healing, physically, emotionally or spiritually for each team member. Above all that God would be Glorified through us at all times!

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